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This changes everything, doesn’t it?
I’ve been a little quiet the past two weeks, as I’ve been trying to really just listen and ask Him: Lord, what should I do next? Are you pleased with how I’m spending my time? Can you help me in my frustration in this area? Is life always in transition? Why does my heart so easily grasp onto doubt some days?
And as I’m sorting through these questions and trying to be wise about how I steward what is in my hands, I am learning more than ever, it is all a process.
While, yes, tangibly a process too as the physical looks of what you do and how life transitions changes too but mostly, it’s a heart process.
Every single trial in my life, now looking back in retrospect, has led me to a stronger foundation in Him. How is that so?
Well, challenges and decision-making and new places have a way of shaving out the unnecessary questions and boiling it down to one point: Do you truly BELIEVE God for who He says that He is?
When you stay in the past, are you concerned your future will not be His best?
When you focus on what you lack, do you worry He will not meet your needs?
When you let insecurity or doubt lead the way instead of confidence in Him, do you question His creation?
Friends, it all comes down to this question, every single time: Do you believe Him? The living God, the One true Savior– do you trust that His Word is accurate?
If so, that will change the trajectory of every life decision, frustrating process, cumbersome to-do list, difficult circumstance, and everything in-between.
Does life suddenly get easy? Oh, how I wish sometimes. But believing in Him simply makes you a target for the enemy. Struggle and tragedy and heartbreak do not become absent, you just now have a forever hope that reminds you it is not the end.
He is who He says that He is.
Sorry for the long-winded novel today but doesn’t this change everything? Your life is in the hands of a Father who is always faithful.
He is exactly who He says that He is and I am so, so grateful.
“Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable.” -Isaiah 40:28
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