Borrow my mustard seed if you need it today

on January 29, 2025

Will called me upstairs and looked like a kid in a candy shop.
“Sleddy, tell mama what you just told me.”
His little mouth wavering and his hands so excited he could burst, he started to make the “mmmmm” sound over and over, fighting to get something out.
And then, there it was.
MA MA!!!!!!! Over and over again, his face cheesing so hard as my tears saturated the carpet.
I couldn’t believe it.
And yet I could!!!!!!!
My heart was racing and Will and I locked eyes, both of ours souls whispering to one another, “Right on time.”
I didn’t have my phone, and I’m so glad. We just sat there and soaked in the miracle together. Sometimes, you don’t realize that when you’re crying out for breakthrough, it has already boarded the plane and about to make its stop at YOUR DOOR.
And naturally, I haven’t stopped asking Sledge to say it and he hasn’t stopped getting excited watching me listen! His little hands counting as I woke him up and he mumbled, “ma ma ma ma ma ma” and looking at me with his blue eyes that tell the best stories of Heaven.

Sledge has been working SO hard…he uttered the “m” sound some at therapy yesterday and things that sounded like mama, but last night, it was pronounced, sure, and declarative.
Like he was looking at me and saying, “Mama, God hears you. Keep praying specifics. I feel them.”

I don’t know what you’re praying for. We all are longing for something—maybe to hold, maybe to release, maybe to improve, maybe to increase, maybe to lessen…I don’t know. But I know God hears. And His kindness is never too early or too late.
I think He holds our hearts in His hands like it’s the most valuable thing He’s ever touched…if only we remembered that when life feels like we’ve been forgotten in some way.

I’m so proud of Sledge I could burst wide open!!!!! I even told the lady at Walgreens. And in both my meetings already. And now y’all. My year is made!!!

GOD SEES YOU!!!! Borrow my mustard seed if you need it today 🤍
Remember—the mystery that you don’t understand is the invitation to learn His heart. And His heart? Sheesh. It’s literally everything good.

Undone, ya hear me? Undone.


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