God can revive anything

on October 29, 2024

The relationship that feels strained and hard,
The finances that seem to loom over your head,
The passion you’ve lost for the work of your hands,
The excitement you once felt in your marriage,
The hope that’s dwindled since you received the diagnosis,
The desire to sit at the feet of Jesus,
The strength you once felt waking up every morning,
The connections you’re longing for around you,
The ability to dream and pray bold prayers,
The stamina you long to operate with as you live,
The language you have + the beliefs you hold about yourself,
All of it.
Every single bit of it and everything that’s whirlwind in your head that’s causing restlessness and anxiety, stealing the abundant life God created you for—all of it.
Did you know that God came to revive ALL of it???

Can you imagine how sad it would make your Heavenly Father if you bought into the life that His supernatural power + strength is reserved for salvation or only big moments?
The truth is, God created you to have a different normal. A totally separate baseline from the world around you and how everyone else operates.
His spirit of revival was meant to be infused into your everyday life, altering how you speak, respond, operate, plan, organize, love, and live.

What in your life feels dry?
Like a plant that has wilted underneath the weight of the world it’s trying to survive in, where does your spirit feel weary, your mind feel scattered, or your heart feel overwhelmed? Where in your body does stress become triggered + hope feel distant?
God wants to revive THAT place. Those places. All of them.

Remember, His methods are counter-cultural and unprecedented. You won’t be able to predict His timeline, His resources, or how He will bring transformation. His business is the deep roots—but as you invite Him into those places, the fresh wind of the Holy Spirit does what only He can do.

The only places + parts that He can’t revive are those that you refuse to give to Him. Even with a good intention to do it yourself, you undermine His grace and spend your time striving instead of resting in what He has already done.

Revival is WHY He came. A vibrant, victorious life—that is what He offers.


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