Have eyes for the growth underneath the surface

on January 30, 2025

Growth always feels slow and usually looks different than you originally thought it would.

You often don’t know your expectations until you feel disappointed or sad when they aren’t met. You feel frustrated with the current view as your heart tries to process what is happening….
What is God doing in this season?
What do you hang your hat on?
Is it possible for Him to forget you?
Do you keep your hands in the dirt even when flowers don’t seem to be blooming?
Is it possible for favor to be present and growth not always feel obvious?
What does good growth even look like?

And as you dig deep and you keep showing up…you keep being faithful in the small things…you keep proclaiming victory where progress seems lacking…you keep trusting that healing is on the Father’s timeline and only He knows the heart of His people + the world He made from the inside out.

And then? Something inside of you shifts. Even before the view changes, you start to realize that the growth was actually the distance closed between you and the One who made you.
The intimacy that is formed becomes a foundation nothing can shake.
The little things become obvious shouts of the kindness of God and you find new strength, perseverance, and JOY to keep showing up.
Like a little box that was hidden in the corner but you had to clear out some clutter to hold its treasure.
Every moment—so worth it.

When the world tries to convince you that you’re behind, remind it that it has never understood the mysteries of God.
Growth feels slow but that’s because what is actually being restored is a tethering so profound, it cannot happen quickly.

Logic will always question love, “How did You make it work?”
And love will say, “I can’t explain; I’ll just keep showing you.”

Have eyes for the growth underneath the surface…keep going 🤍

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