Holy Spirit, come. I invite You in.

on May 09, 2024


The world rushing around you and the to-do list growing before you and the anxiety asking to consume you but…instead…you choose to breathe in the Holy Spirit and breathe out anything that’s entangling you.
Breathing out…
Fear of the unknown
Worry about how the dots will connect
Disbelief that wants to make you doubt God
Comparison that steals your focus
Bitterness from the rejection you feel
Jealousy over the life that isn’t yours
Perfectionism that robs you from starting anything
Insecurity that whispers to you all day long
And anything—you breathe out anything that makes you wonder if God is near, if He is for you, if He is able, if He is willing, or if He is good.
Letting the Holy Spirit highlight and illuminate the small spaces something has stuck that might fester as you do and operate—calling it to the forefront and breathing in a NEW way.

Powerful, sure, able, all-knowing, ever-present, steady, and personal, the Holy Spirit always responds to your invitation.
Wasting no time and refilling you with everything hopeful…
With fresh vision for the place you are,
With wild grace for situations that have caused you pain,
With authority to take new ground and enter uncharted waters,
With special strength for the moment of time you are in,
With Heavenly joy that permeates your whole being,
With increased awareness of where God is moving in + around you,
With endurance and kindness and COMFORT when it rains.

Holy Spirit, breathe over us and our lives and let us hold fast to what is truly GOOD. You revive the dead places and help us find our footing in new seasons. You never grow tired of being our advocate or our source of strength—it is your greatest delight, your purpose here.
Fill us so that we overflow.

Breathing in + breathing out…with a pace that resembles Jesus…powered by gratitude and held by mercy, you are making this place we stand NEW 🤍

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