Hurt is your helper

on March 25, 2025

"Cleere, you’re going to have to identify this pain point and then ask the Lord to give you the truth to break it.”
I read her text and felt my spirit immediately latch onto her words. I knew. But as my dear friend reminded me of this truth, she helped me see the knot in my stomach as a friend instead of a foe.
An invitation.
An opportunity.
A privilege to dig deeper and get to the root of what was really going on.
What button was being pushed that I had disguised as something else?
What was it causing me to do?
What flared up in my soul that caused me to avoid, retreat, or want to cope instead of feel a certain feeling or go to a certain place within me?

We all have them.
Often through our good intentions and spiritual language, we find ways to gloss over truth because the reality is: Fighting for freedom is hard, especially when it forces us to get uncomfortable, redefine something that feels like it’s been etched in stone, or revisit a place we prefer to have been buried.

Tapping into a pain point is a BEAUTIFUL THING.
Why? Because the brokenness was already there. It’s not like the lack of acknowledgement of pain catalyzes a healing process. So when we are triggered or something is pinged or our anxiety rises up or our stomach starts to do flips, we get the chance to ask our heavenly father, “Can You help me sit and sift through this? Why am I feeling this way?”

The restlessness is still swirling within me, if I’m being honest. I’m talking to the Holy Spirit about the root and in doing so, realizing my comfort zone is in watering it, not excavating it.
It’s interesting how quickly we can put value in a false Gospel and have no earthly idea we are operating in a pain cycle.

What healing could be possible if we recognized opportunities for healing and brought our offense, our anxieties, our restlessness to His feet and dug deep?
What belief about God has caused us to misalign, misappropriate, or misidentify with something that isn’t true?

Hurt is your helper. Because even the smallest things can become overgrown bamboo in our hearts, sucking the nutrients from the very things that give us LIFE.

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