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No matter what has been removed or lost or broken or destroyed or divided—no matter what seems unrecognizable from what you thought or expected life to look like—no matter what, the goodness of God is more alive than ever.
⭐️ The world will do its best to convince you that you can find relief in what it offers but it’s never been able to satisfy or soothe. The arms of the Father are gentle + strong—fall in them. Relief comes.
⭐️ Even the most hopeless and bleak of situations isn’t too far gone for the Father. It is actually here that He does His greatest work: rock bottom becomes a new foundation.
⭐️ Waiting for the “perfect time to start” or hoping it goes without a hiccup is the surest way to stay paralyzed. Expect friction and know that’s where the faithfulness of God will meet you.
⭐️ Action propels your motivation! It is often not the other way around. Most of the time, your hands + your body have to do before your brain understands it’s worth the sacrifice.
⭐️ Any thought pattern, whether created from insecurity or fear or trauma or uncertainty, can be rewired. Don’t declare it “this is just the way it is.” Purify. Renew. Reset. Everyday.
⭐️ You—just as you are, with all that you bring—are worthy of healthy and edifying relationships that recognize your value, point you towards Jesus, and speak life into your soul. That’s always true.
⭐️ No one wants to travel through a valley. It feels hard, dark, and often lonely—and yet, His whisper becomes loud and His light shines the brightest there. Don’t reset this place—rich fruit is grown here.
⭐️ The protection of God often feels like the opposite of what you WANT and exactly what you NEED. Remember, He is always thinking long-game and committed to your highest + best.
⭐️ Behind this curtain of life, a whole other scene is being set up. God is making connections, removing obstacles, connecting dots, and setting you up for goodness. Trust that.
⭐️ You have been given another day!!! This is mercy and pure grace. Don’t sleepwalk through the mundane or wish it away because it’s not what you expected. Open your eyes + refuse to miss His hand!
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