May your day be merry + light

on December 25, 2024

How is it that He deemed us worthy? That He not just loves us, but he LIKES us? How is it that He calls us “Mine”?
If our hearts even begin to grasp the slightest bit of this truth, it’s too much 🥺
It is the greatest gift we could ever try to understand and yet grace will always defy our human logic.

I’m so thankful that His peace really does exist in any circumstance.
I’m so humbled that He lets us keep learning about Him, even after we fail to apply so much of what we’ve already been taught.
I’m so grateful for a Jesus who doesn’t just claim to understand but One who died so He could experience every emotion in flesh itself—perfection, making itself totally vulnerable for us—it’s everything.

This year has been so good and so rich and so hard in many ways. Uniquely miraculous and unparalleled in its difficulty—but that combination isn’t surprising. My spirit has felt weary and then truth has lifted my eyes again—He hasn’t left our side. And not a moment has He wasted.
Looking at these pictures of Sledge walking/basically running, I feel weepy and in awe. This is us, running towards our Father—the JOY!!! The healing! The mercy!
Only God. He hears our prayers, doesn’t He? And still, even in the midst of the miracle, it is still difficult. We want to know the end but Christmas reminds us that we know all that we must. We have every gift we need to endure and to run WELL.

God is good. He really is trustworthy. We are fragile but He is not. And neither is His peace or His joy or His hope. May you feel that deep in your bones today.

Merry Christmas, my friends.
I pray you feel Jesus intimately close, wherever you are. Thank y’all for being part of this community, for praying for us and letting us pray for you, and for running hard after Jesus together.
Let’s do less of the unimportant as we keep going, deal? I believe the Good Shepherd is gently but firmly reminding His sheep, “Follow me. Only where I go is life.”

May your day be merry + light 🎄🤍⭐️ and may your heart feel SEEN no matter how chaotic your world feels ❤️

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