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Another week is on the horizon and our hearts are expectant for what lies ahead.
Bringing all the unknowns to the forefront, we know that we get to sleep peacefully because there is nothing our Shepherd doesn’t know.
This week, we will:
🤍 We will welcome—with open arms, humble hearts, and courageous feet—each day as it comes. As gratitude paves our way and contentment blankets our perspective, we will find strength for any + all that we will face.
🤍 We will communicate with kindness, knowing that every heart responds to being seen.
We will communicate with tenderness, remembering that every heart responds to feeling known.
We will communicate with transparency, trusting that every heart responds to feeling safe.
This will allow us to be available to the Spirit and for others to see Jesus in us.
🤍 We will recognize the lies of the enemy in whatever space he tries to plant them, pulling the weeds before they are given time to grow. We will dig into the truth of God’s Word + His promises for our lives and replant with truth + intentionality.
🤍 We will offer lavished, constant, game-changing, eternal grace to ourselves + others, knowing that grace is a gift, never meant to be earned. This will allow us to be free to make mistakes, be the friend God calls us to be, and to love without keeping tallies.
🤍 We will remember that God is always the more that our hearts are craving and the fulfillment our souls were made to experience. This will help us cease our striving, prioritize what matters, and root ourselves in the One who always remains. We will pursue His presence and in it, we will find everything we need.
This week, we will refuel in His Word,
Refresh ourselves at His well,
And rest in His ways.
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