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Christmas is less than a week away and the warmth of its wonder is felt all around! Lights! Cheer! gatherings! Hope! Healing! Do you feel it?
⭐️ The hope of Christmas can’t be stolen, squandered, or suppressed. It is active and alive and it is waking up the soul and breathing new life into every heart. No matter where you are, it is present for you.
⭐️ The hand of God is working is mysterious and miraculous ways all around you. It is shifting things and bringing wholeness to places that are broken. You just wait! He is doing a new thing!
⭐️ The hiccups that will happen as you celebrate and show up and humanity does too? Grace is already there. Breathe it in. All is well. God knows.
⭐️ Honest, real conversations are the lifeblood of intimacy. Pivotal to our existence and necessary for a fulfilling life! Make room for them!
⭐️ God has a hedge of protection over your life. He will not take His eyes off of you. The things your soul is craving and the places your heart is yearning to feel seen? The King knows. Under His wings, you will find it.
⭐️ When you scroll and start to see traditions or fun being had that you wish you had, remember: Your Christmas is different than others and that is GOOD! Turn to gratitude—it opens your eyes and becomes more than enough.
⭐️ You get to put your phone down and not pick it up!!!!!!!!!!! Commit to being so acutely aware of God in the place you are and watch how contentment flows.
⭐️ If someone wants to be a Scrooge, LET THEM!!!!! Don’t let it keep you from walking in the joy, excitement, and DELIGHT of Christmas!
⭐️ Gatherings will not be perfect—a person, particular, or plan will tempt to stress you out—don’t fall for it. Release the pressure and get back to the heart of the why.
⭐️ Jesus is on the way!!! The good news is the BEST NEWS and It is true! He has come to save us. We get to live forever with Him because He became flesh for us. Can you believe it!❤️
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