The outcome isn't yours to control. Rest.

on February 21, 2025

Chasing after you. Running to save you wherever you are. Fully and completely committed to you- the rawest, messiest version—that’s the Father’s goodness over you. Can you even believe it!?

⭐️ What happens after this? The result of your efforts? How it all goes down? Not your responsibility. Release fixating on that. Rest in His provision.

⭐️ God is your defender—against all you see coming at you and everything you can’t see. His hold is absolute, His covering is perfect, and His force is unstoppable.

⭐️ The pain can feel so loud. Scary. Encompassing. Constant. But it’s not. It’s always temporary. Remind your body, soul, + heart of that.

⭐️ The plan of the Creator, Course Corrector, and Comforter is still very much intact. Despite the chaos of the world, it’s not in jeopardy.

⭐️ The favor of God is on you. On your life. If is nestled into the identity of who you are as His child. Stand under the shade and recognize His protection.

⭐️ If God has secured something, you don’t have to force it. The timeline, the strength, the fresh mercy, the acceptance—if He has solidified it, striving can cease.

⭐️ Fall. Just fall. Bring it all. You’re safe. The cross can handle any version of anything and still consider it light + momentary.

⭐️ The unlikely? The last and the least? Oh they’re His favorite. The gap between what seems possible to the watching eye and the faithfulness of the Father is the miracle gap.

⭐️ Hope is your power tool. It is an investment in where you’re going, ushering your feet forward and assuring your heart that God hasn’t overlooked a detail.

⭐️ The Father knows His sheep and all that you need—the heartache, the brokenness, the pain, the frustration, the complexities that exist because of it—all of it. He has every kind you need.

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