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His goodness is like water—it seeps into everything, can’t be contained, and no one can truly know it’s power.
Lifting your head and praising Him that all these things are true for us today:
⭐️ With the sun, new mercy found its way to you. As it rose, you remember that His consistency never fails and He has gone before your day.
🌟 Taking the time to unplug is necessary + wise. Guarding your emotional, mental, + spiritual health, you allow His presence to revive the dry or dead parts. Disconnecting is what makes the actual connecting possible.
⭐️ The full armor of God is yours today. Have you put it on? As you suit up in its strength, you realize that you have been prepared for this day. Victory awaits.
🌟 God doesn’t take breaks. He doesn’t need to. His eyes are always on us, His hand is always moving, and His provision doesn’t miss a detail. If the King of Kings is on the case, surely you can rest.
⭐️ You get to make memories today that bring joy and fun and adventure! Doesn’t have to be expensive but it does have to be intentional. What’s something unique you can do this weekend?
🌟 Maybe yesterday had some tough parts to it—that’s okay. Maybe yesterday you tried to take a step towards something and it didn’t go well. Today = a beautiful opportunity to try again.
⭐️ Any time you need help, you can go to Jesus. For anything. For everything. He will always bring clarity, peace, and hope.
🌟 Even in the absolute worse-case scenario, which will probably not happen, God is still on the throne. It should bring you great comfort to know nothing threatens His reign + restorative power.
⭐️ Worry and prayer have the same thought process—voice what’s on your heart. Prayer just takes it to the foot of the cross. Flip the switch + leave it in His hands.
🌟 Disappointed? Frustrated? Sad? Happy? Confused? Uncertain? Thankful? Communicate with Jesus. It ALWAYS brings peace.
What a faithful Father we have.
His goodness is sure and it is ours 🙌🏻
May worship lead us today 🌟
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