Today is the day.

on February 04, 2025

Today is the day—even if it didn’t start out this way or if the morning has already thrown a wrench in the rest of your plans, today, you can still do all of these things!
It’s funny how emotions work—they try to talk realllllllllly loudly, hoping you will be exhausted enough to just agree to let them take the wheel.
BUT—when you call the Holy Spirit forth + remember that this day is not happening TO you, but happening for you because of who is in control? You can operate differently.

It is wild to think that it is not the speed, weight, or intensity of something that decides if it derails our day; it is simply our decision to let it.

Today is the day you will believe what the Father says about you! What you’re worth, how capable you are, the fact that you are liked AND loved, and a million other things. Didn’t He tell you that this is a gift of grace, not earning?

Today is the day you will place higher value on what the Shepherd says than any other voice. His correction, His calling, His course of action—His voice is the only one that knows what lies ahead, while all others merely speculate.

Today is the day you will remember that your circle of control includes one person: YOU. You aren’t responsible for others’ healing, responses, actions, or perspective. But you are absolutely responsible for your own.

Today is the day you will pray and talk to Jesus about what’s swirling in your head + heart rather than numbing yourself with your phone. Try this one switch + see what happens.

Today is the day you will open the Bible and learn His heart. As your spirit becomes teachable + you eat the manna for today, you will find strength, sustenance, + stamina for what’s ahead of you.

Today is the day you will talk to the Holy Spirit and trust that you can hear His voice! The only way to learn to walk with Him is to lean in with each step and ask, “Where do you want me to go? What is priority here?”

Today is the day you will voice gratitude for every place, particular, and person He has placed in your path. You will proclaim His kindness out loud and get used to saying thank you throughout the day.
A grateful heart is ground for a peaceful day 🤍

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