Is there a space that He doesn’t cover, a season that He isn’t sovereign over, or a story that He doesn’t know the end from the beginning?
God is God at all moments and in turn, goodness is ever present.
🌟You have everything that you need today—the relationships, the resources, the remembrance, the renewal—all of it—He has prepared you for exactly where you are. You’re tapped into the well that doesn’t run dry—trust what’s in your tool belt.
🌟If someone isn’t being the nicest, feels flustered, or operates with an attitude, don’t receive that as a reflection of you. Keep choosing joy! And peace! Set your own temperature or you’ll forever be fickle.
🌟When joy feels hard to grasp in the commitment, circumstance, or challenge you find yourself in, it is still possible! Just because you have to dig deeper doesn’t mean it’s not authentic; joy that’s been fought for reveals the power of God.
🌟Nobody would prefer tragedy. It’s uncomfortable, uncertain, and hard. It hurts. But it also trains your soul for dependence + develops your trust that’s only forged through fire.
🌟The presence of God is always an invitation to walk lighter and run freer. If you need peace, talk to Him! Invite Him in. Peace is the result of realizing He has already permeated the place that you stand.
🌟God will never call you to exhaust your soul and sacrifice your sanity. His priority is protecting your boundaries, not pushing them. He knows your capacity more than you do.
🌟Waiting on the Lord is the most holy way to spend your time. The way that He answers + the dots that He connects will always fulfill you. Your hope will never be put to shame.
🌟Your weakness is your greatest asset because it requires the help of a Savior. Brokenness leans into love + heals through humility—nothing beats that.
🌟Even when you feel lost or shaky, you get to walk in the confidence of knowing His voice. Quiet the others—He is speaking + you know how to hear Him.
🌟Today, you get to operate under the assumption that the King has new ground for you to take. His favor is sure but you must take a step. Go! GOOD things are ahead 💫