Let's Be Cleere filter by podcast

Episode 28: Silence settles your soul

Episode 28: Silence settles your soul

How often do you really allow silence to be the background? I mean, true silence. Not the kind where we are sorting through a mental checklist while music plays in...
on March 09, 2021
Episode 27: The necessity of honesty

Episode 27: The necessity of honesty

I don’t think many of us would walk around claiming that we aren’t living “honest lives.” But do we really understand what that means? Jesus defines honesty way differently than...
on March 01, 2021
Episode 26: The power of little

Episode 26: The power of little

It's the story of our lives: We all fear that what we have is too little. It's not enough to truly make a difference, right? However, we see that all...
on February 22, 2021
Episode 25: Finding clarity in the chaos

Episode 25: Finding clarity in the chaos

Lots of voices. So many options. The pressure we feel. The fears that come knocking. The life we had planned. All of it—it’s so much—how do we find clarity at...
on February 15, 2021
Episode 24: He's always on time

Episode 24: He's always on time

When it comes to everything in our lives, timing is always related. When will it happen? Am I behind in life? Should I go after this goal now? Am I...
on February 08, 2021
Episode 23: Don't Wait to Arrive

Episode 23: Don't Wait to Arrive

We all have this gap between our actual selves and our ideal selves—the gap that we work, strive, and exhaust ourselves trying to close on our own. We tend to...
on February 01, 2021
Episode 22: Seek Jesus, find fulfillment

Episode 22: Seek Jesus, find fulfillment

What does it mean to really seek God? In our distracted and self-focused culture, sometimes we confuse desiring a solution with seeking God. As we lean in and learn His...
on January 25, 2021
Episode 21: Establishing Rhythms of Grace

Episode 21: Establishing Rhythms of Grace

A new year brings renewed desire to set goals and establish better habits. But what if the secret is not found in our goals and is based on the rhythms...
on January 18, 2021
Episode 20: Remove the roadblocks, walk in forgiveness

Episode 20: Remove the roadblocks, walk in forgiveness

How often do we let the roadblocks of offense, bitterness, and shame get in our way? Jesus tells us time and time again that forgiveness is not an option; it...
on January 11, 2021
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