We are excited to partner with local business, AnchorBeads, to bring you this special edition collection of necklaces exclusively available here at Cleerely Stated! Stock is limited! Exclusive design created...
About this piece: 4” x 6” card printed on Solar White Heavy Linen Paper Paired with a lagoon A6 Envelope Packaged in a clear sleeve with seal to ensure safe...
We often find ourselves chasing the more in life. We think that once we achieve this, acquire that, or attain a certain status, we will experience the abundant life. However,...
About this piece: 4” x 6” card printed on Solar White Heavy Linen Paper Paired with a fuchsia A6 Envelope Packaged in a clear sleeve with seal to ensure safe...
None of us are a stranger to difficult times. Life is full of transition. Amidst the emotions we feel and the circumstances we navigate, here is what we know to...
4.25"x5.5" card printed on Solar White Heavy Linen Paper Paired with a coral A2 envelope Packed in a clear sleeve with a seal to ensure safe delivery Interested in placing...
30 prayers speaking life, strength, and love over your child I wrote the “Prayers for my Child” Collection for myself + for Sledge—honestly, I realized I was really diligent about...
30 prayers speaking life, strength, and love over your grandchild As a grandparent, you have the extremely unique privilege to pray for your grandchildren in every stage and season of...
4.25"x5.5" card printed on Solar White Heavy Linen Paper Paired with a Peach A2 envelope Packed in a clear sleeve with a seal to ensure safe delivery Interested in placing a...
30 days of resetting our rhythms by putting down the old and picking the new.The idea of starting something new is often overwhelming. Sometimes we think we have to wait...
About this piece: 4” x 6” card printed on Solar White Heavy Linen Paper Paired with a Metallic Sand A6 Envelope Packaged in a clear sleeve with seal to ensure...
What do you say when you don’t know what to say? What can you give to someone when words fail to explain how you feel? Sad, concerned happy, excited, thankful,...