9 ways to walk in peace everyday

on January 04, 2023
How do you walk in peace? Like from a very tangible, practical standpoint—what does that require of you? Especially when life feels anything but?

🤍PRAY. Talk to Jesus. Forgo the fancy words or specific times. Just talk to Jesus, whenever, whenever, and however you can. A continual convo with Him brings peace.

🤍SPEAK LIFE. Protecting your words begins with understanding the power of your tongue. Death of life—you choose. When you’re committed to bringing hope through speech, peace follows.

🤍KNOW THE WORD. The Word of God brings peace in even the most traumatic + terrible of situations. It is not surprised by any emotion that you face. Peace is often found, not in knowing more about what’s next, but in knowing more about Him.

🤍SLOW DOWN YOUR PACE. What if your peace has nothing to do with where you’re going but rather how fast you’re trying to get there? Look at Jesus. He walked, was interrupted, and always prioritized the Father beginning with His pace.

🤍NOURISH WITH GOOD THINGS. It’s crucial to realize your realm on control and the importance of your inputs. You can’t control what happens to you but you can control the posture, perspective, + person who receives it.

🤍WALK IN GRATITUDE. Whether you write it down or speak it out loud in your car, make it a constant practice. Living with your eyes open is a muscle that must be worked—prioritize it. Peace is discovered in being content with what you already have.

🤍BE DILIGENT ABOUT REST. It’s crucial for health in every way. Set this boundary so that you can do the other things well. Rest is the foundation for a heart of peace.

🤍PRIORITIZE HEAVEN’S VIEW. What if your entire life could change simply by where you place your focus? Zoom out. Realize His sovereignty. Being eternity-minded is a discipline that ushers peace, strength, + hope.

🤍RECEIVE GOD’S LOVE + FAVOR. He is for you, with you, + watches after you. The more you understand His heart, the more you’ll know peace. It’s Him.


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