Daily Devotion filter by soul work

Genuine, lasting connection

Genuine, lasting connection

You don’t mean to contribute your opinion but you feel yourself wanting to connect and relate,Or maybe a wrong-doing happened and it’s easy to chime in on how someone has...
on September 19, 2023
Things God can heal

Things God can heal

I have been thinking about this story so frequently—the one in John 5 about the man who had been laying near the pool of Bethesda for a long time.John 5:6...
on September 14, 2023
Your God-given identity is the greatest gift

Your God-given identity is the greatest gift

It’s hard. It really is. Even if you’re not a people pleaser, the fabric of your flesh cries out for the affirmation of those around you. Sometimes, it doesn’t even...
on September 05, 2023
When you're tired from trying to please everyone, cling to this...

When you're tired from trying to please everyone, cling to this...

We keep trying. Worn out, unfulfilled, + still not accomplishing our goal, we remember that we can’t sustain a life of pleasing others, only Jesus.   🤍 When their opinions...
on August 16, 2023
When you feel offended, remember this...

When you feel offended, remember this...

Offense—the great roadblock to progress + peace. But guess what? You have the power to not carry it with you. If your heart is struggling with it, read this: 🤍...
on August 09, 2023
Protect yourself against a critical spirit.

Protect yourself against a critical spirit.

You don’t mean to be this way…but as you see things that go wrong or have thoughts that come up, you voice them. Slowly but surely, before you even recognize...
on August 03, 2023
How is your heart today?

How is your heart today?

I always see him working; truly, every time I go to the grocery store, he is there. So—this time, I went to his line + could feel that he needed...
on July 18, 2023
What would you tell your younger self?

What would you tell your younger self?

Think about it…Imagine you 15 years ago or 10 years ago or even 3 years ago… what would you tell that person?Wouldn’t it sound a lot like:“Hey, SLOW DOWN!”“Friend, EYES...
on June 21, 2023
Assume the BEST

Assume the BEST

What if?When someone makes a decision that you don’t agree with, what if you assumed that they were choosing the best thing with what they knew?When your spouse does something...
on June 15, 2023
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