Another new beginning to run hard after what matters

on March 11, 2024

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟
Another chance to lean into His love as He restores, replenishes, and refreshes us for a new week.
Another new beginning to run hard after what matters and prioritize life accordingly—heeding yesterday’s mistakes as wisdom and not worrying about tomorrow, but fully present in THIS day, this week.

Jesus, thank You.
I’m here again and it’s because of You. I felt Your care begin to carry me since the moment I woke up—You always know exactly what I need and are willing to hear every thought that comes to mind.
You make me feel safe and seen. Thank You.

As I begin the week, help me choose wisely—may every decision I make be evidence of the fact that I’m planted in You. Solid ground that isn’t compromised by emotion or circumstance—how powerful is that!
I can already feel my flesh wanting to know more than I do and fight for control over what isn’t mind to hold—will You help me? Instruct my spirit in how to specifically take up my cross in every area of my life and follow hard after You.
I submit my own plans and expectations, knowing that my greatest attempt at designing a life a desire will never touch the FULL life story have for me.
Release my attachment to worldly standards and timelines—they get in my head and take my eyes off of You. I know that You see me and You haven’t forgotten me here.

As I dig into Your Word, sit at your feet, and learn Your heart, help me redefine good. If it aligns with You, then I want it for my life. And it doesn’t? Help me know it, label it, reject/refuse it, and trust in You. Thank You for opening up my eyes to the joy and resounding PEACE that comes from letting go. Though I often forget, I know that it is only when I lose my life and gain my soul that I experience the fruit that satisfies. Fulfills. Quenches. Heals. And rescues me over and over again.

You are so kind, Jesus. You feel the tension within my soul and Your patience meets me once again as You bend down + whisper:
“Hey…I know. I know it feels safer in Your hands. It feels more secure to see + prove than it does to hope + trust. But I promise I know what to do with it—will You let go + believe?”

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