Daily Devotion filter by prayer

Show me how to be a person of peace when my life feels chaotic

Show me how to be a person of peace when my life feels chaotic

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another chance to let His breath fill our lungs and breathe DEEP in gratitude—He is surrounding us on every side!We...
on March 03, 2025
Peace, hope, and wisdom will meet me as I walk.

Peace, hope, and wisdom will meet me as I walk.

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another fresh beginning—new ground to receive, unearth, plant, steward, and harvest.Another chance to fully embrace the goodness of God—in His...
on February 24, 2025
You spoke life over the day before me

You spoke life over the day before me

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another fresh slate—totally and completely clean and ready to begin anew.Another opportunity to believe the Word of God and act...
on February 17, 2025
Hope. True, deep, unshakable hope.

Hope. True, deep, unshakable hope.

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E! 💫Another chance to enter the world with expectation and STRENGTH instead of anxiety and exhaustion—even when it’s hard or the...
on January 20, 2025
Consider the question:

Consider the question: "What will I wished I had tended to this week?"

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another opportunity to receive and give the love of Jesus—the love that transforms every space and speaks to every human...
on January 13, 2025
A prayer for Los Angeles

A prayer for Los Angeles

Where do we even begin? 😭😔😔 it is truly devastating. It’s so heartbreaking to read and see and know that lives have been lost, places are now unrecognizable, and the...
on January 09, 2025
Every moment is a chance to begin anew with You

Every moment is a chance to begin anew with You

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another new week made possible by the mercy of the King, flowing in and around our lives and His grace...
on January 06, 2025
The gift of another Monday + the new year ahead!

The gift of another Monday + the new year ahead!

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another new week is here and not just any week, the week that welcomes a brand new year!Fresh mercy is...
on December 30, 2024
Another week but not just any week—it's Christmas week!

Another week but not just any week—it's Christmas week!

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another week but not just any week—it’s Christmas week! The week we all get to celebrate and remember the greatest...
on December 23, 2024
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