Consider the question: "What will I wished I had tended to this week?"

on January 13, 2025

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E đŸ’«
Another opportunity to receive and give the love of Jesus—the love that transforms every space and speaks to every human heart He made.
Another chance to let the past go, surrender the unknown of the future, and rest fully in the present. What will tomorrow look like? How will things come to pass? Will you be okay? The questions of a mind that surveys all around it, all to realize that the answers are not in particulars or solutions, but in a person. Jesus.

Jesus, thank YOU!!!!!!!
We sing to You and we hear about You and we live in a world where it is so easy to portray faith but only You know where we truly are.
You take the stale + stagnant places within us and You breathe new life into us.
You hear the swirling thoughts and anxious prayers and You whisper peace into our souls.
How is it that You know our innermost thoughts and still desire to use us?
How is it that You don’t tire out on offering us grace?
How is it that You restore our faith every time the clouds loom ahead, even though we have seen that the sun never really leaves?
You are so good.

Help us be people of great focus and intentionality throughout this day and this week.
As we act, let our minds consider the question: “What will I wished I had tended to this week?”
Infuse us with discipline. Make us effective. Strip away the distractions. Let us be so consumed with You that the moment You mention “move”, our feet are taking flight. And when You halt us and command us to pause? May our healthy fear of You arrest us where we are.
What good is any of our doing if it’s not done in love and linked to You? YOU are what makes meaning of this life. We won’t have spiritual amnesia and pretend as though we don’t know this. Belonging and hope and joy can only be found in You.

The world feels heavy. You know this—after all, You’re holding it. We wonder what is grieving You most? Break our hearts for that. Remove the surface sympathy and build in us a deep empathy that must act when need shows its face. Equip us and keep us ready.
And all the while, as we are responding, cultivate within us a resilience + peace that remembers You are our home đŸ€

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