His favor is on your life

on April 23, 2024

What does it really mean to be “hidden under the shadow of His wings”?
It reads beautifully and provides imagery that is comforting and gracious but what does it really mean?
It is not meant to be ethereal in nature; as in, language that provides an abstract idea without much possibility or practical way to get there.
Rather, the shadow of His wings is the physical covering, the spiritual safe place, the emotional hedge of protection, the mental sorting place, and the overall healing center for every bruised and broken thing within you.
The presence of God can feel like an airy thing to talk about until you sit in it. Until you ask for it. Until you talk with Him and realize that everything about the life you’ve been living is all possible because of HIS hands. Until you’re in a position where you’re yearning for safety, security, and significance becomes the reason you finally yield and fall into Him.
However you get there—whether tossed by life into His grasp, whether you came crawling from trying every other way, whether you stepped confidently into it knowing what it would hold, or whether you tried your own exhaustive efforts and they still brought you here—under His wings is where you will find what you need.

Do you feel fragile to life’s shifting tides?
Do you feel vulnerable due to plaguing uncertainty?
Do you feel lonely amidst a season of transition?
Do you feel afraid about what lies ahead?
Do you feel anxious about the weather forecast?
Whatever it is, the Shepherd’s hold encompasses the peace that you need. Like an angel wing wrapping around you and all that you hold, it literally scoops you up and whispers, “We will get well together.”

The beautiful thing about being replenished under His refuge is that it reinvigorates your joy + refills your strength for where you are—it nourishes you + nudges you forward, helping you name the pain, change the narrative, notice His presence, + navigate from a healed place instead of a hurt place.

His eyes are on you,
His favor is on your life,
His countenance towards you is utter joy,
and His belief in you is sure.

Under His wings 🪽 you get to live FREE!

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