Sometimes, the day is just hard.Maybe the morning kicked off in a rush and your spirit just felt hurried all day,Maybe hiccups happened and things just did NOT turn out...
Boarding the plane this morning and I couldn’t help but think of so many who boarded the plane thinking life would carry on as normal. Their families. All of it.And...
The view took my breath away.Just moments earlier, my tears had been hot on my cheeks as my soul cried out. Full of gratitude and also feeling pressed. Deeply aware...
I was reading in Joshua this morning…about how Moses’ mantle was passed onto Joshua so that he could lead the Israelites into the promised land.Once again, the Lord asked Joshua...
Your day will be different than mine.Everyone’s will look and feel and unfold differently—with unique circumstances and preexisting conditions of your heart that combine to make for a day that...
I can’t seem to get away from this truth—whether it be with conversations with friends, hearing a prayer request that I get to storm Heaven for, or in my own...
While there are verses to warn us, experience to remind us, and wisdom that prepares us to know that life is hard, it still feels harder and heavier and more...
You’re in the thick of it.The in-between.The process that you didn’t choose but the one that’s refining you.You’re navigating the intricacies of a situation or circumstance you don’t prefer:You’re...
“I’m going to be honest—I don’t think I’ll get past this one. It just hurt too bad.”“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to have a relationship with them again.”“Life...