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Another Monday, another M I R A C L E! 💫
Another chance to enter the world with expectation and STRENGTH instead of anxiety and exhaustion—even when it’s hard or the currents of life feel like they’re against us, we know that the character of the Shepherd is ever changing and constant.
Jesus, thank You!!!!!!!!!
A new week is here and we are grateful! For a million things, and those are just what we see! There is so much that we don’t; in fact, we know that it is what we don’t see that is even greater and kinder and truer and safer and bigger and everything better!
We are sensitive to Your spirit and awake to Your nudge—we are leaning in and we are listening. Actively listening. Your direction is our priority, especially when it calls us away from our own agenda. Help us integrate the two, releasing all that our flesh wants to hold and gripping tightly to what You offer.
You bring freedom!!!!
Hope. True, deep, unshakable hope.
Redemption to things that have felt so far gone.
Joy that is independent of feelings and preferences.
Courage that speaks up when the whole world goes silent.
Faithfulness that is expansive and trustworthy.
You create meaning out of life. Without You, everything and anything becomes dull and lifeless. You are the secret to every craving we feel deep within our bones.
Jesus, thank YOU!
Because of You, we get to be a difference-maker in our homes, our workplaces, our friend groups, and our own internal sanctuary.
Because of the Holy Spirit, we get to be deciders of our tone, our responses, our attitude, our posture, and our perspective.
You have given us authority where we stand to not play victim to our own lives but to fully stand + operate in the equipping You’ve given us. Remind us that the presence of opposition or the weariness of our flesh isn’t synonymous with not being prepared—this is the very fabric of partnering with You! Where we are weak, You are strong. Where we fear, You demolish the giants ahead. Where we worry that we don’t have what it takes, You provide manna for EVERY DAY!
You’re so good, Father.
We welcome Your supernatural presence and we are EXCITED for this week. A new song is what we sing 🎶
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