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Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟
Another chance to release what has been holding us back and fully press forward into the place He is calling us.
Another new beginning—a clean slate, fresh batch of mercy—to walk in our God-given identity and remember that Heaven is our home.
Jesus, thank You.
Thank You over and over and over again for being You and for loving me. I’ll never get over it and grace reminds me that I’ll never understand it.
As I look ahead to the future, I don’t worry about the unknowns or the uncertainties because I know that You’re already there. There isn’t a step I’ll take where Your feet haven’t already graced, Your voice hasn’t already spoken for, and Your strength hasn’t already provided.
This blessing ensures my confidence as I go—it has nothing to do with me or how I feel—it is anchored in Your unchanging + unwavering presence.
Give me new strength for this day and this season, letting all before this go and fully embracing where I am. It is a beautiful reminder to my weary soul that exhaustion is Your preference and desperation is Your specialty; the more empty I come, the more you can fill me. Show me how to live from a state of overflow as You fill me; You never ask to give what I don’t have.
You are good with my capacity and aware of my weaknesses; they are not exceptions to why you’re using me— they are often the reason.
Thank You for giving me the gift of the Holy Spirit. I am never alone. I have an eternal helper— one who is acutely aware of every detail and fully able in every way. Instruct me on how to live in intimacy with Him in every aspect of my life, not compartmentalizing His direction or divine character from any part of who I am or what I do.
I pray that when people hear me and spend time with me, that they see You. I pray they remember your name and feel encouraged by Your truth. I pray they feel Your gentleness— the kind that reaches deep into our souls and reminds us of who we are in You.
Peace is holding me— I’m so grateful. My future is bright and my present is full of joy because Your rod and staff comfort me, Your favor protects me, Your forgiveness embraces me, and Your love sustains me.
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