When you’re in the thick of it, sometimes progress feels distant, barely noticeable, or confusing. Remind yourself that holy, healthy, sustainable growth is never linear: 🤍 Because His plan...
We keep trying. Worn out, unfulfilled, + still not accomplishing our goal, we remember that we can’t sustain a life of pleasing others, only Jesus. 🤍 When their opinions...
Don’t wait for something big to happen—choose to let today be a day of celebration + delight because of these truths: 🤍 You’ve made traction! Progress! You’ve taken steps!...
Ugh. The waiting room. Let’s be honest—it’s hard, often not fun, + laced with reminders of what we wish we had.BUT Jesus—He transforms it. If you’re waiting, hold on: 🤍...
No can be hard. Maybe you struggle with people-pleasing, over-committing is your norm, or maybe you aren’t sure of how to?Here are some reasons it’s GOOD to say no! 🤍...
Growth is the goal but sometimes the progress feels distant? Hard? Are you making any traction?Cling to these reminders—God IS at work. 🤍 When you feel an emotion, sort...
Maybe it’s just been a ROUGH season in your life and you need to know this isn’t how it’ll be forever,Maybe your relationships have been harder to steward because your...