Daily Devotion filter by patience

His timeline is the RIGHT timeline

His timeline is the RIGHT timeline

I wonder how many things we worry about, get in our heads about, or let ourselves be consumed by that are related to the timeline of our lives.Whether something isn’t...
on January 23, 2025
Timing is everything.

Timing is everything.

  Timing.It is the greatest mystery and blessing of life, isn’t it?It’s the commodity that we all want more of and yet, once we receive it, sometimes squander it rather...
on August 15, 2024
God is always doing a million things beneath the surface

God is always doing a million things beneath the surface

Walking down the boardwalk, I anticipate the view.I know I’ve seen it a million times but every time I wonder what it will look like.Will the shells all be washed...
on July 03, 2024
Most of life is spent in process

Most of life is spent in process

I wonder, if you went back and surveyed the amount of time you spend on the way to the place you’re going, what percentage would it take up?The routines you...
on May 30, 2024
This is temporary + God is moving.

This is temporary + God is moving.

Maybe it’s just been a ROUGH season in your life and you need to know this isn’t how it’ll be forever,Maybe your relationships have been harder to steward because your...
on February 29, 2024
Most things are both/and.

Most things are both/and.

You want to pick one, right?The notion that you could feel two intense, strong, heavy emotions at one time feels overwhelming or maybe even wrong? Confusing?How is it that you...
on November 09, 2023
9 reminders that progress isn't linear:

9 reminders that progress isn't linear:

When you’re in the thick of it, sometimes progress feels distant, barely noticeable, or confusing. Remind yourself that holy, healthy, sustainable growth is never linear:   🤍 Because His plan...
on August 23, 2023
Sometimes miracles take time.

Sometimes miracles take time.

A few mornings ago, I kept waiting for the sun to rise...the sky had already broken open, I had walked back and forth thinking surely it would show itself in...
on August 10, 2023
When you're weary from waiting, hold onto this:

When you're weary from waiting, hold onto this:

Ugh. The waiting room. Let’s be honest—it’s hard, often not fun, + laced with reminders of what we wish we had.BUT Jesus—He transforms it. If you’re waiting, hold on: 🤍...
on July 19, 2023
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