Thank You for the gift of another Miracle Monday!

on February 19, 2024

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟
Another chance to stand firm on every word that the Word of God says—remaining in faith even when it makes no sense,
Another opportunity to watch the Healer defy logic as He makes broken places whole again.

Jesus, thank You.
How could it be that a Savior like You would die for ME?
How could it be that a Shepherd like You would give up everything to find me?
How could it be that a Father like You would have such affection for a broken person like me?
How could it be that a Friend like You would separate the seas to get to me?
How could it be that a King like You would shut the lions mouths to protect me?
How could it be? For me? And yet, it is so. I am so beyond grateful, Jesus. My words will fall short.

As I operate this week, will You remind me that I wasn’t called to fit in or make sense to the world around me; You created me to be set apart. When I feel alone or I wonder if I am making a difference, speak life over my soul and assure me that devotion and faithfulness to You will always yield a fruitful life.

Thank You for being the God of my reality who always helps me lift my head and find my footing. Your presence quenches my thirst and satisfies my soul. I know that moments of tension and stress will arise and when they do, I will have the opportunity to choose to walk in the Spirit. This challenges me and grows me. This fills me with purpose and perseverance as I stay faithful and aligned. Though my flesh wars to leave the place of discomfort, my soul knows it was made for it. The deep waters. The surrendered place. That is where I long to stay.

A new week—what a blessing, Jesus. It’s not automatic and it’s never deserved. Help us receive this grace and be grace in return.
Holding everything loosely but You.
Clinging onto Heaven’s hope, safely in Your grasp.

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