Daily Devotion

9 ways to walk in peace everyday

9 ways to walk in peace everyday

How do you walk in peace? Like from a very tangible, practical standpoint—what does that require of you? Especially when life feels anything but? 🤍PRAY. Talk to Jesus. Forgo the...
on January 04, 2023
Things you'll never regret doing in 2023

Things you'll never regret doing in 2023

Looking back on 2022, there were certainly some ways that we spent our time, delegated our resources, + showed up that we know would’ve been better spent other ways.And so...
on January 03, 2023
Reframing Mondays

Reframing Mondays

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟Another chance to remember all the revelation of our yesterdays and bring it into our present, letting His track record...
on January 02, 2023
Speak this over 2023

Speak this over 2023

Sunday is here and so is 2023. A new year is here and God is already sitting and shaking, showing us His fingerprints in a million little ways.Amidst every sunrise...
on January 01, 2023
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