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I wonder how many things we worry about, get in our heads about, or let ourselves be consumed by that are related to the timeline of our lives.
Whether something isn’t happening yet + you feel behind. The ticking hand of the clock seems intrusively loud as you tell your heart, “calm down, I know!”.
Maybe it’s all happening too fast + you weren’t ready. For the hardness of where you are, you weren’t prepared! Or maybe even the growth + expectations that accompany it- it feels more like a burden!
Or maybe it’s just the daily happenings of life in which you’re forced to constantly remind yourself, “God, I know that You know. I know that You know. I KNOW that you know…but help me believe it.”
The timeline of the Father is impossible to predict, control, or understand. That was by design. It is FOR you.
His timeline:
🤍 Identifies places + people + particulars that you’ve put your trust so that you can place it back on His shoulders.
🤍 Illuminates the sovereignty of God as He shifts, sorts, + solidifies puzzle pieces like only He can.
🤍 Increases your intimacy as you tuck your head into His arms, even to let Him collect your tears, + He reminds you of who He is.
🤍 Integrates your head knowledge and lets it become heart knowledge. It usually requires testing to actually let them travel.
🤍 Invites you to release your expectations + experience a plan so abundant, you couldn’t predict it or dream it up.
🤍 Implement Kingdom order as you realign with His Word + understand priority is your greatest guard to preserve your joy.
🤍 Insulate you with peace, strength, + hope that outlasts surface level + grows deep roots
🤍 Inspires you to worship when your flesh wants to comprehend. This is the ultimate freedom + allows you to take up rightful responsibility.
🤍 Impart an eternal perspective that sees life from Heaven’s view—this clarifies + calms like nothing else can.
🤍 Inherit blessing that you could never deserve—despite your white-knuckling, His avalanche of grace comes falling.
🤍 Immerse you in the protection against what you can’t see, don’t know, + will never comprehend.
Instead of obsessing over the when, how, + why, get back to the who.
His heart is the answer.
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