I wonder how many things we worry about, get in our heads about, or let ourselves be consumed by that are related to the timeline of our lives.Whether something isn’t...
I was thinking about this yesterday—on the 23rd anniversary of 9/11—what did we do in the days that followed? After the glaze from our eyes cleared and the picture of...
I was thinking about a few different people I know and why I admire how they live and operate…what about their lives feels different and important? Is there something they...
Timing.It is the greatest mystery and blessing of life, isn’t it?It’s the commodity that we all want more of and yet, once we receive it, sometimes squander it rather...
It’s little and doesn’t seem like a big deal.You see someone on vacation and wonder why your family is still living paycheck to paycheck,You watch a story of someone’s...
Time—it’s both the most pragmatic and ethereal thing known to us…think about it, the notion of moments passing, seasons changing, and years flying by are factual things happening—irrefutable—and yet, time...
This seems like the most elementary, rhetorical, obvious thing to say + do: Know what matters and do that. And yet, I think it’s really hard sometimes.It’s hard to discern...
Hey—how fast are you going? I know, you have things to do + places to be and there aren’t enough hours in the day.You feel frustrated by the internal tug-of-war...