Daily Devotion filter by tired

Sleep. Rest. Calm your soul.

Sleep. Rest. Calm your soul.

Your brain is reeling.Your insides feel restless.Sometimes, the thing that’s weighing on you is so glaringly obvious, it feels like a boulder you can’t see around.Other times, it’s this lingering...
on February 27, 2025
Honoring the need to rest

Honoring the need to rest

You hear it a million times over.The necessity of resting.You feel it deep within your bones.Your patience level and rashness over gentleness providing their own whispers of, “hey… maybe you...
on January 28, 2025
Silence is not inaction.

Silence is not inaction.

Silence is not inaction. Sometimes the world likes to convince you that if God isn’t changing things, He doesn’t care. Or that if God were near, this wouldn’t be your...
on October 03, 2024
Are you living dehydrated?

Are you living dehydrated?

Beautiful as can be, I had seen her wait patiently in line to get her books signed.As she walked up to me, she hugged me and as she did she...
on April 18, 2024
He will give you the endurance

He will give you the endurance

I could tell it in her disposition…her posture…the language of her soul writing the captions without her mouth having to move at all.She sat across from me as we waited...
on April 16, 2024
Don't confuse your capacity with God's capacity.

Don't confuse your capacity with God's capacity.

It’s not revolutionary.We’ve talked about it before.We KNOW that we can’t do it all. We’ve tried and we’ve failed.But sometimes, when our emotions are heightened, we tend to confuse our...
on November 01, 2023
Even when the rain keeps coming, the sun never leaves.

Even when the rain keeps coming, the sun never leaves.

I felt this so heavy on my chest this morning—knowing it was for me and for you and for us. Feeling the weight of importance that we are reminded: HE...
on September 26, 2023
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