Daily Devotion filter by worry

Sleep. Rest. Calm your soul.

Sleep. Rest. Calm your soul.

Your brain is reeling.Your insides feel restless.Sometimes, the thing that’s weighing on you is so glaringly obvious, it feels like a boulder you can’t see around.Other times, it’s this lingering...
on February 27, 2025
What's weighing heavy on you is priority to Him

What's weighing heavy on you is priority to Him

Over and over and over again.No matter how many times you’ve picked it back up and tried to control it, knowing it was never yours to control.No matter how the...
on February 20, 2025
Stress is a burden you don't have to shoulder

Stress is a burden you don't have to shoulder

  If you were to add up all the minutes and hours that you spent worrying about something that never came to pass, how many days of your life do...
on September 19, 2024
What's for you will not pass you by

What's for you will not pass you by

Can we just be a honest for a second?We all experience this—in one way or another—that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see yet another person celebrating...
on March 13, 2024
Flexibility reveals your faith is in the Who

Flexibility reveals your faith is in the Who

It’s one thing to talk about it—it’s another to actually walk it out—you know, the need to be flexible and bend towards what God asks of you or what life...
on March 05, 2024
You don't have to perform for others

You don't have to perform for others

Regardless of whether they see your viewpoint,Even if they think your faith is radical,When you know they aren’t impressed,No matter what their response, you get to operate the same.There is...
on January 25, 2024
When I feel worried, I'll cling to this...

When I feel worried, I'll cling to this...

Worry—that “friend” that promises to be different this time around—the one that prompts us with every turn of life and says, “can I come?”But now we know the truth, we...
on October 04, 2023
He is sovereign in every season.

He is sovereign in every season.

In several conversations I’ve had with friends this week, this has been the common sentiment: “I just feel off.”This holds a million meanings.“I just don’t feel like myself.”“I don’t see...
on August 31, 2023
You couldn't have guessed it.

You couldn't have guessed it.

We all have the different situations, prayers, relationships, struggles, and circumstances that plague our minds and worry our hearts as we ponder how in the world it’s going to work...
on July 27, 2023
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