Is it the perfect place?No, because then people wouldn’t exist in it.Broken, flawed, imperfect people who are often doing the best they know how with the cards they’ve been dealt,...
Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another opportunity to partner with the King of Heaven’s armies and gave victory over any Goliath that stands in our...
Sunday—a day of reset, renewal, and refreshment.And on this day, where so many of us are gathering, we are tempted to dread the long weekend soon ending—but instead? We get...
His goodness is the fabric to our lives, canvassing our days + covering every space—it is the reason for this day + the source of our hope for tomorrow!🌟 NEW...
Why is it so hard sometimes?You can feel it bubbling up in your throat but your pride takes it’s grimy hands and holds on for dear life. “Nooooo! Don’t. Think...
Maybe it’s a particular situation that’s weighing you down or it is just the nature of the season that feels hard + wearisome.Lean into these reminders today: 🤍 You don’t...
WE GOT SOME NEW WHEELSSSSS!🛞💪🏻🎉Sledgehammer got to use his new equipment for the first time and wanted to show all his friends 😊I wish I would’ve videoed his response when...
Have you started looking? Are your hands open to collect the millions of miracles He’s doing around you? 🌟 Your mind is prepared, strong, and sharp for right where...