Daily Devotion

The sky grew dark. The earth shook.

The sky grew dark. The earth shook.

One step…And then another…And then another…His body beaten, bleeding, and bruised, treated brutally by those who had betrayed Him and didn’t believe Him.The crown that should’ve been laced in gold...
on April 07, 2023
Today is important

Today is important

Imagine Jesus.His life, dedicated to helping + healing + holding the very people that were now going to belittle, betray, and beat Him to His death.He was not unaware of...
on April 06, 2023
9 reminders from the cross:

9 reminders from the cross:

It’s here—the week that Jesus came, knowing His fate, + endured the cross. So much more than a symbol—it is the very reason for this day—grace + mercy personified.  ...
on April 05, 2023
Fearing people brings restlessness + worry.

Fearing people brings restlessness + worry.

It will work until it doesn’t.You will please them until you don’t,The affirmation will fill your cup until you find yourself empty, once again, and utterly exhausted from the process.And...
on April 04, 2023
This week is anything but normal

This week is anything but normal

Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 💫Another new week to walk freely, entrusting everything into the hands of the One who never fails us.Another opportunity to...
on April 03, 2023
Speak this over your week:

Speak this over your week:

It’s here…the week where we get to celebrate the arrival, sacrifice, and resurrection of our King. Imagining the Sunday before…He knew He would be slain and still He came. He...
on April 02, 2023
You can change your perspective at any moment.

You can change your perspective at any moment.

The Giver of every good gift and the One who determines good, creates good, and completes the good has made this day—will you rejoice and be glad in it?☺️🌟 At...
on March 31, 2023
Prayer is always an effective response.

Prayer is always an effective response.

In every situation,In every season,Amidst every struggle,In all suffering,With every sore spot,Prayer is the most effective response, the greatest strategy, the wisest option, and the most assured way to walk...
on March 30, 2023
When you need an extra does of hope, cling to this:

When you need an extra does of hope, cling to this:

It is true—the brokenness is everywhere, human frailty feels loud, and you feel your heart struggling to live with Great HOPE.Cling to this: 🤍 Sometimes your heart feels impossibly heavy...
on March 29, 2023
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