Daily Devotion filter by brave

Be a fierce includer

Be a fierce includer

Over-stimulation deluxe. Like in the very best way—the museum was FILLED with kids of all ages on field trips living their best lives. It was a total blast. The Perot...
on November 14, 2024
You can do hard things.

You can do hard things.

  I pulled the walker out of the car and had just planned on carrying it in one hand and Sledge in the other—but the moment he saw it, he...
on September 17, 2024
He's not withholding good.

He's not withholding good.

There had been so much change and adaptation asked of him…and on top of that, he was now being pushed in ways that he had never been pushed in before.I...
on April 10, 2024
Faith > Fear

Faith > Fear

I watched his little eyes trace the outline of the plane, taking in all the sights, sounds, and stimulation around him. The planes circling around the airport and each landing...
on April 02, 2024
What does it look like to be brave?

What does it look like to be brave?

What does it look like to be brave? Is there a formula? How do you choose to be courageous again and again, even when things don’t work out like you...
on February 27, 2024
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