Daily Devotion filter by wednedsay wisdom

9 signs you are growing

9 signs you are growing

Growth is the goal but sometimes the progress feels distant? Hard? Are you making any traction?Cling to these reminders—God IS at work.   🤍 When you feel an emotion, sort...
on May 31, 2023
As your heart processes emotions, remember this:

As your heart processes emotions, remember this:

The good, the bad, + the really hard—how can you process emotions in a way that protects your purpose, peace, + perspective?   🤍 Remember that it’s rarely one emotion...
on May 24, 2023
9 things you aren't responsible for:

9 things you aren't responsible for:

There is a lot you will need to tend to today and things that are your responsibility—save your energy for those. Let go of:   🤍 You aren’t responsible for...
on May 17, 2023
When you're just trying to figure it out, lean into this...

When you're just trying to figure it out, lean into this...

“I’m just trying to figure it out…”Can you relate to this sentiment? In whatever it may be, just wondering how it’s all going to work out?. . . . ....
on May 10, 2023
When comparison creeps in, cling to this:

When comparison creeps in, cling to this:

Whether it’s in what gifts you offer the world, the family you come from, the way that you look, what you have, or whatever it may be, comparison is a...
on May 03, 2023
9 truths to help you rest in the heart of the father

9 truths to help you rest in the heart of the father

It is not greater self-confidence that you need to walk in courage, gain peace, or know contentment; rather, it is resting in the heart of the Father—THIS changes how you...
on April 26, 2023
When you're having a hard day:

When you're having a hard day:

It doesn’t have to be any specific reason…sometimes it’s just a lingering feeling, but whatever is weighing on you, remember this:   🤍 You aren’t where you want to be...
on April 19, 2023
When your soul needs a deep breath, lean into this:

When your soul needs a deep breath, lean into this:

With the way life goes, the pace you’re probably operating at, the expectations set around you, sometimes a deep breath feels distant or impossible.Lean into these thoughts…   🤍 Deciding...
on April 12, 2023
9 reminders from the cross:

9 reminders from the cross:

It’s here—the week that Jesus came, knowing His fate, + endured the cross. So much more than a symbol—it is the very reason for this day—grace + mercy personified.  ...
on April 05, 2023
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