Daily Devotion filter by comparison

When comparison creeps in, cling to this:

When comparison creeps in, cling to this:

Whether it’s in what gifts you offer the world, the family you come from, the way that you look, what you have, or whatever it may be, comparison is a...
on September 25, 2024
We're all just trying to figure is out.

We're all just trying to figure is out.

It’s inevitable.You see pictures? You make assumptions.You scroll through stories? You string together a story you know nothing about.You hear about advancements, victories, promotions, answered prayers, etc. and you place...
on August 22, 2024
Does He withhold good?

Does He withhold good?

  It’s little and doesn’t seem like a big deal.You see someone on vacation and wonder why your family is still living paycheck to paycheck,You watch a story of someone’s...
on June 25, 2024
Your character is your calling.

Your character is your calling.

The promotion is solid, the position is good, + the possibilities are all exciting.You see what everyone is doing around you + the ground they’re covering and you want it...
on April 11, 2024
What's for you will not pass you by

What's for you will not pass you by

Can we just be a honest for a second?We all experience this—in one way or another—that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see yet another person celebrating...
on March 13, 2024
He chose YOU.

He chose YOU.

It feels like maybe He didn’t know it was going to be such a hangup, right? Or that maybe He wasn’t aware how frequently the voice of insecurity would try...
on February 22, 2024
A grateful heart is not the result of everything going as planned

A grateful heart is not the result of everything going as planned

Just in case things didn’t go as planned today…maybe it wasn’t a big deal and maybe everything felt like a curve ball.Or maybe, today is Thanksgiving, and you are grateful—you...
on November 23, 2023
When comparison creeps in, cling to this:

When comparison creeps in, cling to this:

Whether it’s in what gifts you offer the world, the family you come from, the way that you look, what you have, or whatever it may be, comparison is a...
on May 03, 2023
Comparison will make you feel small

Comparison will make you feel small

When you’ve had your hand to the plow and your reality feels mundane,When you’ve been persevering through a season when your efforts feel unseen,When you wonder if you’re really utilizing...
on March 23, 2023
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