The Giver of every good and perfect and wonderful and true gift—He is FOR you! Your heart is His priority! How amazing is that!🌟 The armor of God isn’t...
This seems like the most elementary, rhetorical, obvious thing to say + do: Know what matters and do that. And yet, I think it’s really hard sometimes.It’s hard to discern...
Several things are true about tomorrow:1. You have no control over it2. The hypotheticals you’re imagining might never happen3. Most things actually don’t shake out how you predict4. God’s ways...
Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟Another chance to enter into situations and circumstances with the awareness, belief, and faith that God is who He says...
Sunday is here and a fresh beginning is on the horizon—a new week, a week that has never graced us before, which means it holds a million possibilities.Will we get...
“The Lord is righteous in all His ways and kind in all His works.” -Psalm 145:17There is not a single exception—He is ALWAYS good.🌟 God has so many things planned...
Can we just be a honest for a second?We all experience this—in one way or another—that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you see yet another person celebrating...
I think sometimes when we hear this word, “surrender,” we see it as giving up on something we should’ve fought for or it feels like we aren’t doing all we...
Another Monday, another M I R A C L E 🌟Another chance to lean into His love as He restores, replenishes, and refreshes us for a new week.Another new beginning...