The voice you let instruct you will always determine the narrative that writes your life.Sometimes, it’s subconscious, like an undercurrent that slowly pulls you in a direction, no matter your...
It is the question you were made to ask—the one that swirls around in your mind as you turn the pages of your planner, whispers to your heart as you...
One of my friends asked me the other day, “Do you struggle with being misunderstood? Or worry when you think someone misunderstands you?”I quickly answered, “I don’t think so?…let me...
It is incredibly freeing, helpful, and eye-opening to do this exercise.To really, really think about what is in YOUR realm of control today…in the season that you’re in, with the...
You can control what you focus on, despite the temptation to be perpetually interrupted,You can control what words you say, even when kindness isn’t reciprocated and grace isn’t recognized.You can...
The unknowns.The questions.The follow-up thoughts based on things that have been said, questions that have been raised, or doubts that have lingered and longed to be silenced.The uncertainties of life...
Stand up and draw a circle around you.Just you.That is the sum of who you can control.You can control what you focus on, despite the temptation to be perpetually interrupted,You...
I don’t think it’s often intentional—like if you knew how much time you were dedicating to being consumed by something you knew you couldn’t change, surely you would change courses,...
We don’t realize that we are fighting for it because it’s such an innate part of our humanity—this desire to control our circumstances, others around us, + life in general.But...