“Where are you?, God asked them.Adam and Eve, naked in the garden, hiding behind fig leaves because of the choices they had made, knowing they had disobeyed the one voice...
People are everything to Jesus! He made us for relationship and intimate connection with eachother. That has and will always be the case. However, He never intended for others to...
I was having a conversation with a friend and we were both joking (sorta) about already missing the mark with one of the rhythms we both are working to implement...
This day is already happening—time is passing and life is moving forward and things are circling around you. Dots are connecting and decisions are being made and a road is...
Stand up and draw a circle around you.Just you.That is the sum of who you can control.You can control what you focus on, despite the temptation to be perpetually interrupted,You...
You often don’t even realize how loud they are—that is, until you turn them down.Even those that aren’t inherently bad but they’re just…a lot…crowding space in your mind that’s desperately...
Just in case things didn’t go as planned today…maybe it wasn’t a big deal and maybe everything felt like a curve ball.Or maybe, today is Thanksgiving, and you are grateful—you...