Boarding the plane this morning and I couldn’t help but think of so many who boarded the plane thinking life would carry on as normal. Their families. All of it.And...
Her tears were falling. Hard. The weight felt so heavy and as I heard her voice her grief, my mouth felt stuck…like how do I respond, fully aware that words...
Reading through Job is hard.It feels so heavy. The deeper you get into the book, the more you think, “God, please lift this darkness! This is TOO MUCH!”Knowing that satan...
I can’t seem to get away from this truth—whether it be with conversations with friends, hearing a prayer request that I get to storm Heaven for, or in my own...
While there are verses to warn us, experience to remind us, and wisdom that prepares us to know that life is hard, it still feels harder and heavier and more...
Some days, the weight simply feels like too much.The heaviness weighs on you like a boulder on your back that you genuinely can’t lift and your body expresses in exhaustion...